The first question clients usually ask is, "So, how does this work?". Many have never worked with an architect before and are unsure of their role in the process. The information below will hopefully guide you through the steps of the design and construction process.


An initial consultation meeting will be scheduled, wherein the client will express their "wish list" for the project, timeline, and estimated budget.


After the consultation, both a design proposal and fee proposal will be presented.

design development

Upon agreement, the design will be developed into plans, elevations, and a preliminary 3D model.

pricing & bidding

Pricing drawings are distributed to potential bidders and estimates are reviewed and processed. A contractor is acquired. 

PERMITTING & construction documents

Permit documents are coordinated with the contractor and submitted. Detailed construction documents are developed and issued.

construction administration

The role of the architect during the construction process is critical. We provide extensive construction administration and project management services during the construction phase of the project.